Silverlight Heads For Big Screen In Dublin

Silverlight Heads For Big Screen In DublinAn email yesterday from Fergal Breen points me to another event I’m likely not to make but what matters is that are behind a Silverlight event being held in the Cineworld Complex on Parnell Street in Dublin on Thursday fortnight (September 27th).

The event is free but registration is required to attend. Things kick off at 7:30 in the evening and the bar opens at 9:30pm allowing for some good networking opportunities.

On the event itself…

Rich internet applications are the foundation of Web 2.0 and there are a host of new tools out there promising to help you deliver interactive, animated web applications. Microsoft has recently released Silverlight – their sparkly new platform for delivering rich internet applications, which focuses on high-def experiences and media streaming. Silverlight works cross-platform and cross-browser, supporting Firefox and Safari as well as IE, and Mac and Linux.

In September, Martha Rotter, from the original Silverlight crew, invites you to witness how Silverlight can light up the web with Rich Interactive Applications. Join her, free to learn how to use Silverlight at Ireland’s largest cinema complex. It’s Silverlight, on the silver screen. If you see one movie this year, skip it and join us instead. Next year, they’ll be attending your Silverlight RIA.

Find out more about the Silverlight event by clicking here or contact 1890 81 21 00 for details.


  1. Robin September 14, 2007 at 12:29 pm

    I’ve just booked into the UK one held in their UK Campus!

  2. Ken McGuire September 14, 2007 at 7:11 pm

    Nicely done. I will say that I’m tempted and if I can swing the Thursday off I’d make the trip to Dublin. Business partner in US almost all of that week (bar Friday) so situation is unlikely.

  3. Pingback: Technology and People - Microsoft Silverlight - Web 2 IDE - Event

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