Ken McGuire Photography

Ken McGuire Photography

Well, I’ve decided to call a halt to the photo blog I was running under, having gone through a few different iterations and approaches from portfolio-ish style to mobile blogging, photos from the mobile phone and all the rest…

As a result, I’ve launched Ken McGuire Photography, something I’ve been putting off doing over the past few months until the theatre calmed down and I had a bit more free time on my hands in terms of getting out and about and getting back to doing something I love. The site, driven by WordPress with a few tweaks along the way for good measure, will house portfolio work old and new.

There’s no comments on the site, but all the images are being hosted through flickr and individual pages have links back to their home on flickr – you’re free to leave a comment there if you wish. I might yet introduce some pop-up comments, we’ll see how it goes.

There’s a few images in there at the moment, but its the start of something for me, something I’ve been longing to get back around to and hopefully this is the kick in the arse I need for it!


3 responses to “Ken McGuire Photography”

  1. Cormac Moylan Avatar

    Congrats on the photoblog Ken, looks sweet.

  2. Tom Raftery Avatar

    Excellent Ken, looks great, well done.

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