I’m marking two years of kenmc.com as a blog. That in itself means I’m blogging around the two year mark overall, or actively blogging, whether through kenmc.com or any number of the other blogs I have run / am running at present.
I’ve met some terrific people over the past two years due to blogging and interaction with the blogging community in Ireland and I’ve had my eyes opened to many an experience, service, thought or otherwise as a result. I’ve been to BarCamp (Waterford), PodCamp (Kilkenny) – mind you I’ve yet to make it to an OpenCoffee – but these events I wouldn’t have heard about or become involved with if it wasn’t for blogging.
As a result of PodCamp I’m now back producing the Playlist Mix podcast, the sixth episode of which went out earlier this week. That in itself, reviving the podcast, has provided more opportunities and contacts for me musically.
To everyone who reads the blog (past and present), to new readers and to the entire Irish blogging community – thanks for continuing to inspire me to blog, to try, to test and to enjoy letting go in one of the most creative and easily accessible means of communication there is!
Now, I’m off to get a can of coke with my breakfast, do something a little different for the morning.
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