WiFi Digital Camera Addon – Eye Fi

8GB Eye-Fi cardWIRELESS TRANSFER of photos in an otherwise non-wifi enabled digital camera. How? Eye-Fi. Yes, I would like one of these.

Try as I might, I usually end up walking away from the house or the office without the cable to connect my camera to the laptop. When it comes to transferring photos on the move, that can be a right pain in the neck. Sure enough, you can pick up digital cameras of all shapes and sizes (that might cost you a bit more on the credit card) packing WiFi transfers, GPS, location tagging and the likes. But for those of us looking for a WiFi option, the Eye-Fi might be just the ticket.

According to TUAW, you can set the card “to automatically upload to iPhoto, or just to a specific folder on your computer. You also have the option to have your pictures uploaded to MobileMe, Flickr, Evernote, Picasa, Facebook, and many other places (see chart in new window). Videos can be uploaded to Flickr (only 90 seconds maximum, though), Picasa, YouTube, Facebook, Phanfare, and Photobucket. You can even set it up to send notifications via email, Facebook, Twitter, or SMS when transfers start, finish, or are interrupted.”

It’s a Class 6 wireless SD card meaning it should shift around 6mb a second and Amazon have the new 8GB model on pre-order for the princely sum of $149.99.

It might seem a bit on the steep side for an SD card. Argos are happy to flog them for anything up to €60 for an 8gb SDHC card, and if the Euro conversion rate at €112 or so held up, an extra €50 isn’t a bad price to pay to get full WiFi capabilities for your digital camera.

If you’re thinking on buying, check the Eye-Fi support site for compatible cameras.

Note: Did I actually say “just the ticket”?


4 responses to “WiFi Digital Camera Addon – Eye Fi”

  1. James Avatar

    I’d actually seen that a few weeks ago on an apple email I think … its been bugging me these days transferring over files when I just take a quick shot and want to transfer it

  2. Ken McGuire Avatar

    That’s it exactly. I’d have great use for it for some of the venues we use for events; snap away and get the high-res stuff online or synced right back to the laptop somewhere in the building for someone to get working on.

    Again, that’s me looking for any small reason to justify the purchase 🙂

  3. James Avatar

    Oops … didn’t see the reply earlier got dumped into gmail spam folder

    Hmmm I’ve 2 2gb cards at the moment and the price point on the 2gb card is nice so I think I’ll end up getting one of those 😀

    Thanks for the supported models list as well I’d been wondering about that ( looks like it’ll work with me fz28 ) Now I just need to figure out power consumption I presume its negligible though I’ll just want to confirm

    The world will soon be affected by even more cat pictures on catatars facebook page 😀

  4. Ken McGuire Avatar

    Sure isn’t that what the internet was made for 🙂

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