Via… This video will take you through some of the menus and sounds, runs to almost 4 minutes.
To be honest, looks an awful lot like Windows Mobile 5 and not overly removed from its previous iteration either.
Via… This video will take you through some of the menus and sounds, runs to almost 4 minutes.
To be honest, looks an awful lot like Windows Mobile 5 and not overly removed from its previous iteration either.
VentureBeat this morning takes a look at some of the names around the ‘web 2.0’ industry that are now starting to crumble and fall including who raised $7m last year in funding only to lay off the majority of its work force recently. cut its entire sales staff and support staff. has a nice piece too on the Lessons From The Death Of A Web 2.0 Startup.
After the massive rise in the use of the term last year and the explosion in new lines of web services, is the bubble already starting to burst? Or were these people simply too late to the game with nothing additional and innovative to add?
You go off and buy an Xbox and all of a sudden they’re ringing the changes…
On the cards…
We’ll just have to accessorise all the way so!
According to, figures released from the Carphone Warehouse show that mobile users waste UK£30bn every single year, simply because people are on the wrong price-plans.
It is only within the last three months that I’ve changed over to a post-pay setup and that is was after seven years as a pre-pay customer. Now, its not to say that you’re ‘wasting’ money of your own free will, but just that you could possibly be saving yourself a few quid a month by really looking at your price plan and your monthly – which of course, is always good.
The article ts slightly geared more towards the UK market given the sterling prices, if you’re looking for a currency converter you can’t go wrong with Sounds like a cheesy ad, I know. But if you’re curious about your price plan and want to look at things on a nice, basic, understandable level then give this a read.
Is there anything that Linux won’t run on with a little elbow grease? Looks like the Zune is the next candiate…
It seems like a 30 year old male resident of Bergamo, Italy, also a subscriber to Vodafone’s ‘Connect 600’ plan on the Italian market has been hit with a mobile bill for just over 50,000 Euro for data downloads. While he assumed that his high priced plan allowed him unlimited data downloads in the month, he would leave his computer on for the night and download the odd movie, likely at around the 700mb mark (as movies go).
What he should have done was read the small print – the 600 in ‘Connect 600’ standing for 600mb, every TWO months. Extra bandwidth is charged per kilobyte after that.
Not the kind of phone bill you want after the Christmas period now, is it?
Does anyone going to the Bar Camp meet in Waterford on the 20th know any Italian? With the AV setup available in the RAIC Centre, what are the odds of being able to create a link at somestage during the day between Waterford and Bar Camp Rome, which kicks off around the same time as the Waterford session?
From their wiki they’ve got 71 people in attendance, 8 people blogging the event (which is something I hadn’t considered – will there be wireless access in Waterford?) Talks include one on Net TV, OpenID, Web 2.0 Business Models, Digital Business Ecosystems and more.
Bar Camp Stockholm is supposed to be happening but alas the wiki is fairly empty…
2007 brings new changes and new developments and we’ve got plenty of those planned for the business, one of those includes the relaunching of the blog, now called ‘The eventIreland Blog‘ (you’ll find the feed link in the Grazr window on this blog’s sidebar) which will cover business offers from ourselves along with domain and internet news, marketing tips and helpful information from Aidan coupled with some extra design and other posts – related to the business – from myself and John.
We’ve removed our main site for a few days, that itself launching with a complete redesign based on our horizonCMS solution. Those of you with a keen eye might notice that we’ve also made a very subtle change to our logo. While all these are quite small changes and additions to us, they’re the first a long line for 2007 as we pass 18 months in business.
Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve marked a bumper pay for Vodafone this Christmas season as they registered a nice 42 million voice calls and text messages for just those two days alone in the festive season. Softpedia also reports that ‘Fairytale Of New York’, which has to be the country’s favourite Christmas tune, was the most downloaded song for the Christmas period as well.
Interesting to see what the stats from O2 and Meteor are going to show.
A Happy New Year to all who read mobileblogr. I’m back after an unhealthy Christmas break (great Christmas but a nice sickness thrown in there as well) and will be getting Mobileblogr back in action for the New Year later this evening.
Of course I meant to headline that the Irish Blog Awards are likely to be held in Dublin on Saturday, March 3rd this year. Sponsorship slots are nicely filling up, there’s a new Best Irish Bebo Profile (see mine – just as a link mind you) award and 21 lip-smackingly good categories which you’ll be able to enter and vote upon.
Anyway, the other categories in can be found right here…
Meanwhile… any word on any entertainment Damien?
If one of the things you’ve decided for the New Year is to change the appearance of your blog or to develop your own theme, Rachel at Cre8D Design has put together a list of useful resources to help to create a WordPress theme.
Personally, I’d suggest having a look around the WordPress Themes site and maybe stick your head in at WP-Plugins, between the two of them you’re likely to be able to create something!
…and it`s back to work I go. Guess that means that the holiday season is pretty much over! Christmas tree coming down at the weekend, leave the few decorations around the place up a bit longer (Sligo got significantly more “Christmasified” than Kilkenny this year) and time to start tucking into the year. Hope everyone had a good holiday season….
Innovative idea in New York – taxi cab drivers are going to help map out all the dark spots in New York where your mobile may go out of coverage. Ericsson are organising everything and once mapped out, they’ll look to fix the problems. Its not so much that you go out of coverage or range of a relay tower, but that because of the soaring height of the buildings you may not be able to get a mobile signal. What I would like to see is an online production of this ‘map’ once it is finished, updated accordingly as Ericsson fix the transmission issues.
Nice to be able to check before you leave the house whether you’re going to be able to make a phone call when you need to.
As we step into 2007 having safely made it through last night I would like to wish everyone a very happy and prosperous 2007 in whatever field you’re in. 2006 has been a blogging pleasure and hopefully it will continue that way for the New Year.
I think a drive to Waterford is in order… rumour has it that Gino’s might be open and dear God do they have good pizza 🙂
Decided to treat myself today with the last big expense of the year and the last big expense in quite a while, picking up an Xbox 360 complete with wireless controller, hard drive, headset and a copy of Pro Evo 6. Gamestop had a handy offer on, if you traded in an original xbox and a few old games you would get the pro bundle for 299 – mine finished out at 280 for the lot and its now humming away in the corner of the room. Really like the way you can turn the console on straight from the joypad – no more getting up out of the bed to switch it off after watching a DVD!
What I can’t get over is the price of things. Xtravision, bless their hearts, had games going from 50 – 75 Euro while Gamestop were roughly the same. My quest for the day was to pick up a copy of Dead Rising (video link) alas nowhere in Kilkenny or Carlow, video shop or game shop, has the thing in stock. Nevertheless, I’m a patient man, so why pay 75 quid for it in town when you can order it off for 37 Euro?
I sure as hell know where I’ll be shopping for games anyway…
Not getting greedy or anything but here’s a few things that I would like in 2007…
Great week away up in Sligo (Lough Talt area if anyone is interested, its closer to Ballina, Mayo, than it is Sligo but we just sneak inside the border). Too much food, not enough getting out-and-about, plenty of beer, wine, music, song, the whole lot. You think people would just NOT email you over the Christmas, a week producing 182 non-spam emails.
Off to get some blog reading done as there seems to have been a nice bit of activity in the week 🙂
Here’s ten songs that should definitely be on your iPod. If you picked one up for Christmas or decided to treat yourself then throw these ten songs on it. Track purchase links point to (cheaper alternative to iTunes), just for those of you who like to download. Full album links point to, cheaper alternative to shopping in your local high street store, for those of you who like to shop for the real thing.
*Songs are ordered for appearance (10 things) and not by order of preference
Here’s another one, this time it is 10 great moments for me in 2006… Again, lists are ordered for appearance as opposed to preference.