Spelling it was tricky enough.
Moving there was easy.
What am I on about?? Oooooooh the mindless world of the NFL creeps through again. While I have a lovely pizza on order (mexican hot and spicy), it seems that I’m off to Cincinnati. Bad enough that I left Dallas, joined Baltimore but now, after three years I’m back at square one. Rookie style.
This, of course, all arrived out of the fact that to celebrate the graduation I bought myself an XBOX and kindly donated my playstation to my brother’s room for a DVD player and the rest. How best to start off my life as an XBOXer than with some Madden 06.
After pulling a good IQ test, I remembered my father was a pro boxer, which meant that when it boilded down to the genes, I wasn’t going to be the fastest apple to fall from the tree – though I’m working on it. Drafted in the 3rd round to Cincinnati Bengals.
Gonna try the whole XBOX Live thing and see if I can kick some American kid’s ass at Madden. That would crown what I have already carved out to be a great day!
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