Tesco go VOIP

Following on the heels of, well, a lot of other places, Tesco are now launching a VOIP service for their customers, giving them internet phone access along with a dedicated phone number which they can use regardless of where in the country they are or move to. What was once a niche market is quickly on the way to becoming overwhelmed with new competitors as the drive to increase broadband usage. Of course we know that it’ll never happen in Ireland as half the country still need to discover broadband! But its a start anyway. The story was picked up in the UK so its unknown as to whether Tesco Ireland will launch the same service here or simply do a test run in England.


2 responses to “Tesco go VOIP”

  1. […] Tesco have launched a VOIP service also, one of my colleagues has written about it over at kenmc.com tags: blueface, ireland, skype, voip Was this post useful? If so, please click here to vote for me: No Comments […]

  2. John Avatar

    I wasn’t aware that Tesco had even started a VOIP service in the UK. Once upon a time in AOHell I used to be well up on the UK communications market. Oh well.
    Another entrant to the Irish VOIP market is Blueface. Have a look at http://www.Blueface.ie or check out my article :http://www.johnbutlerlive.com/2006/01/22/ireland-meet-voip/

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