Blogging – LAPD Style

So the LAPD have started blogging, (via), think there’s any future in it for the good folks behind

Our online journal is an interactive tool that we use to deliver real-time, unfiltered information.  We invite you to take a look inside the Department to learn more about the men and women in blue who have sworn to protect and to serve you.

They’ve already missed out on a Typepad and Blogspot address…. is up for grabs mind you….


4 responses to “Blogging – LAPD Style”

  1. LAPD Launches Great Blog

    The LAPD has launched a terrific department blog, and it’s well worth a look.The reputation of the

  2. Michele Avatar

    Considering that they don’t really have email I can’t see them blogging any time soon

  3. Ken McGuire Avatar

    Thats quite true! I know their press office is still using an address…. must look well!

  4. Michele Avatar

    eGovernment obviously doesn’t stretch to police 🙂

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