Track Web 2.0 Development In The UK

As another possible alternative for the now dead Techcrunch UK (if you’re not already reading the terrific Vecosys), Techscape has launched with a strong focus on tracking Web 2.0 developments in the UK. In fairness, the blog launched back in November but I’ve only discovered it today and have to say, its impressive. Friendly layout, good content, a good read.

From the blog…

…it isn’t all about UK start ups (you have the superb Vecosys for that) and it isn’t just reviews of social networking sites either. Instead, TechScape will being you interviews with the main movers in the UK’s web 2.0 world, reviews of the key new projects, plenty of mobile news and views and daily round ups and comment on the big stories…

Interested? Give Techscape a whirl


6 responses to “Track Web 2.0 Development In The UK”

  1. Paul Walsh Avatar

    Do you think they could be perceived as playing on the TechCrunch brand with a similar style font for the logo? It’s always nice to see faces and profiles behind sites like this – adds a personal touch, rather than a corporate one.

    Looks good – to finish on a positive note 🙂

  2. Ken McGuire Avatar

    They certainly could – trying to fill a void but maintain a sense of familiarity about the whole thing maybe – all we need now are 6 125*125 ads in the far sidebar going at 10 grand a pop and we’ll be back in business 🙂

    Would be nice to have a bit more information than whats on their ‘about’ page but all in good time I suppose?

  3. Stuart Dredge Avatar

    Thanks for the feedback – the site’s only properly kicked off this week, although the idea’s been under development for a while. We’ll be getting more info up for sure, and getting more interviews / UK-focused analysis as we get out there and meet more people.

  4. Ken McGuire Avatar

    Stuart – you’re welcome 🙂 Enjoyed the read and have subscribed 🙂

  5. Paul Walsh Avatar

    Good luck Stuart. I know what it’s like to launch a site that’s under constant beta (geez take a look at I guess you’d never launch if you waited for everything to be complete.

    Get your profile up so we can see who you are though 😉

  6. Ken McGuire Avatar

    Think we’re looking at but nice to tie the two together I think. Personal touch on Techscape 🙂

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