Beating The Cinema Queue With

Having spotted an advertisement for (possibly during a trip to see the latest Indiana Jones flick when last in Dublin… love the Savoy) I decided last night would be the right time to give it a spin.

Having taken a trip to see ‘Wanted’ recently, seeing the hoards of people turned away from the Kilkenny Omniplex for the consecutively sold-out screenings of ‘Hancock’, I figure I may get the tickets in early for Thursday night’s opening of Batman.

With booking available via and all I needed to do was pick the day for the screening, the time for the screening, select the number of tickets and away I go. A painless service that I’m happy to pay the .50c booking charge on tickets for if it means avoiding the usual horrible queue on opening nights in Kilkenny.

The tickets are set for collection at the cinema within 30 minutes of purchase so I may swing by this afternoon and collect them for Thursday’s screening of The Dark Knight. If it all works out, I don’t think I’ll be queuing in the cinema again any time soon. Though it would certainly help if you could pre-order your food / popcorn / drinks as well.


4 responses to “Beating The Cinema Queue With”

  1. Pip Avatar

    ha ha! nice one Ken, you just saved me a walk, see you Thursday!

    Why so serious?

  2. Ken McGuire Avatar

    Aye, and you can collect them at any stage as well so I may swing by on my way home and pick them up. Then maybe frame them, and buy some more for Thursday.

    Secretly hoping they’ll have the special edition Dark Knight popcorn buckets to match 🙂

  3. Darragh Avatar

    Did you enjoy it? Did you? Did you? Did you?

    Is the Kilkenny cinema a good place to watch a movie? I haven’t been there yet!

  4. Ken McGuire Avatar


    Nothing short of excellent. Mouth-watering excellence all round. Cinema not a bad place but after 2.5 hours at a movie my back and back side are usually in bits and I’m welded to the chair with the heat.

    I’d do it all over again though.

    Plus the prebooking helped as the movie is sold out across the evening performances for the weekend.

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