
  • Changing My Approach To Photoblogging

    The first of the month has just passed and with about two hours to spare I managed to get my photo blog back in some kind of order. Not that there’s much to put in order – I’ve gone and pulled down any post that previously existed on it, somewhere around 30 odd in total.

    I love photography and love my D70 more. I’ve put time and money into techniques, study, lenses and all the rest but day-to-day constraints mean that I don’t get out an awful lot to spend the time I want on photography. Christmas was the best opportunity I had for photos and came away with some fantastic shots from Sligo – all because I had the time to take the walks to plot locations to plan shots in advance.

    What I do have is a half decent camera in a 3.2mp Cybershot bundled into the Sony Ericsson K800i. I’ve also started to carry my Konica Minolta dImage X60 (with a 1gb SD, bargain at the time) in my bag as well so I’ve got something handy and quick to shoot with. So thats the approach I’m taking to the photo blog. Two previous attempts to manage the blog showcased what was pretty much a back-catalog of existing works. I could trawl through 10, 20, 30,000 images in my collection, pick out a few, tweak them as I see fit and then pop them online.

    But there’s no challenge in it. I’ve already got the photos, so where’s the motivation? It was the shoot over Christmas (in between my two weeks spent lying on the flat of my back coughing my lungs up) that gave me the motivation to get back into the photo blog side of things, only this time, using the tools that are already at my disposal. Some people blog their thoughts, I figure I’ll blog moments – through photographs. Snapshots, thoughts captured in image form, all at the spur of moment. No tricks, no photoshopping, no showcasing exhibition material, just down-to-earth photos of moments that grab me during the day. The push for me is to snap the photo that day and blog it the same day – its fresh when it goes live. Also a way for me to see what exactly I was up to on a particular day, sometimes when you’ve your head buried in four jobs and countless projects its a bit hard to remember!

    That said, the blog is relaunched, I put a new theme together this evening and the inaugural post (take three) is live. Will likely put a little more development work into the theme over the weekend but I’m enjoying it for now….

  • Help Yourself With Business Blogging This Lunchtime

    If you’re knocking around Kilkenny for your lunch today it might be worth your while to drop over to the New Park Hotel where Keith and Aidan have moved the Help Yourself series of talks to a lunchtime fixture, away from the 2006 6pm slot in Langton’s.

    This afternoon’s talk looks at the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of business blogging. There will be a 30-minute “nibble time” from 12:30pm to 1pm with the session set to get underway at 1pm and finish up around 2pm.

    Don’t know how to get there? Click for directions to the New Park Hotel.

  • Newspaper Annoyances

    The press release came from It was sent via my email address, ken [at] kilkennymusic DOT com. The name in the header of the email said Ken McGuire – The signature of my email had all over it. The end of the release stated ‘For full details, visit’.

    So why do they print it as ‘’ ? The whole organisation is called ‘’ – nothing more, nothing less (except for the cliqueish types who like to refer to it as KKM, me included – I do like the pet name). Surely its not that hard to copy and paste details or at least CHECK your final article against the details that have been sent to you. Or has someone been really sneaky and launched another level to the .ie domains without telling me, then gone and hijacked everything I do musically and move it to this new secret website?

    When the newspaper contacts YOU looking for the information, rather than the other way around, you think they’d want to get it right when putting it into print don’t you think?

    Small gripe but its late and I’m annoyed…

  • Free Curry In Dublin

    Roll up, roll up, there’s free curry in Dublin. Well maybe not “free” but there’s a chance of a meetup over a fine plate of food in Dublin tomorrow night in the company of Paul Walsh and anyone else who wants to attend. Its going down in Jaipur on South Great George’s St. in Dublin tomorrow evening at seven and usual ‘scruffy start-up attire’ is the dress code 🙂

    Check out the Web 2.0 Ireland blog and Jaipur (damn… I love Indian food and all – do you deliver to Kilkenny at all?).

    Our Christmas podcast was actually recorded sitting around an Indian takeaway and a few bottles of Cobra… perfect ammunition for podcasting!

  • Bar Camp Dublin – Whats The Craic?

    Rumours abound in relation to Bar Camp Dublin, don’t know if the one about U2 playing at the lunch break is true but you never know. Seen as the blog has been set up, has anyone any official – or unofficial – updates on the meet?

  • O2’s Site Gives No End Of Problems

    How many times should one have to register or re-register on their mobile operator’s website? After having no joy in trying to log in to the site yesterday I’ve been given this message this morning…

    If you have acquired an O2 phone since registering for My o2 then you have a couple of options open to you. You can:

    Continue to use your current user name and password when you log in to My O2; this will mean that you can not avail of our free web text service and we can not update your phone details on your My O2 home page.

    Re-register for MyO2 using your mobile number; this will mean that you can avail of our free web text service and we will update your phone details on your My O2 home page. You will however have to choose a new email address.

    In fairness, I’ve been an O2 customer since the old dodgy days. They know I’ve got a phone, hell I only used the website to pay my phone bill during the week – so why re-register? Not as bad as the time I logged in and got someone else’s address book I guess!

    All I want to do is send a text message – but no. No text messages, no access to my address book, no access to group contacts… Anyone else having problems with them this weekend? Ever since that big security update last year the site has been nothing short of a pain in the arse to use.

  • Fox Gunning For YouTube, Google

    YouTube has been served – with a subpoena that is, to reveal the identity behind one particular YouTube member following the appearance of full episodes of 24 and The Simpsons on the site.

    A browse on over breakfast turned up this story showing Fox are gunning for YouTube under the Digital Copyright Act. What they do with the person if their identity is revealed remains to be seen but it can’t be all that good! As of this morning it appears there is no word or reaction from YouTube, at least in the public domain so it will be interesting to see how it pans out or just how tough it gets for YouTube in the future.

    Odds are nowadays that if you missed a clip from a show you’ll be able to find it on YouTube, or some other video sharing site. No word on RTE scrambling for additional license fees for being able to catch clips of The Panel or Podge and Rodge on it anyway…


  • Less Than 24 Hours To Nominate

    It’s 1AM, I’m just in the door from a gig, the blog tells me it took 62.38 second to load the page to write a post but all of that is besides the point people!

    The real point is that there is less than 24 hours to get your nominations in for the 2007 Irish Blog Awards. There are 21 categories in total, you don’t have to nominate someone for every category but if you feel a blog – any blog – is deserving of a nomination then do your bit for the Irish blogosphere and nominate them.

    Don’t forget, this is still the nominations stage. The shortlisting and voting is yet to kick off – and thats another story altogether!

  • Get Started Podcasting – And Earn Money Doing It

    MyPodcast.comI don’t know if this site was brought up during the podcasting talk at Bar Camp last weekend but I stumbled across today and it seems like it could do the trick in terms of getting people podcasting.

    From the feedback at Bar Camp and reading some of the reviews, many people are surprised at how quick a podcast can be put together and that there isn’t a real myth to the process. Sure enough, when we record our own podcast for we’re using a Pro Tools rig, a combination of SM58s, a Behringer B1 or a Samson C01U, and a heap of plugins (to produce some broadcast quality sound) but a mic from the local pound shop and a few minutes of your time can go a long way. gives you the software to do it all, for free, gets you recording, hosts your podcasts with unlimited bandwidth and allows you to earn some cash back by allocating ad spots that are dotted into your podcast when uploaded. You get to choose where abouts you want to insert the ad, plus over time and as your podcast potentially grows in terms of popularity, they offer the chance to gain exclusive advertising deals. For people looking to host podcasts, it might not be a bad idea – unlimited bandwidth for popular podcasts, with free hosting, sounds pretty good to me.

    Of course, always read the terms and conditions…

    By posting content to any public area of MyPodcast, you automatically grant, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to MyPodcast and its members, an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, fully-paid, worldwide license to use, copy, perform, display, and distribute such information, rights of publicity, and content and to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works and other media, such information and content, and to grant and authorize sublicenses of the foregoing.

    …which are quite good and informative if you’re into that stuff (which you should be, after all, these are YOUR recordings!)

    Anyway, check it out for yourselves

  • Comments Error Fixed

    As highlighted by Keith this morning, and realised by myself last night, error messages have been appearing on the blog since the WP2.1 update yesterday when you go to post a comment.

    This was caused by a problem in the Subscribe To Comments plugin, which has been resolved by updating to the latest version (2.1). If you don’t already allow people to subscribe to comments via email I would suggest it, any time there’s the opportunity to do it on an interesting blog post I’ll take it…

    Top notch plugin too…

  • WordPress Upgrade Fairly Painless

    Pretty painless upgrade to WordPress 2.1. Started the ball rolling about 9:10 and its done as of now (bulk of it was me backing up EVERYTHING from the server, including the DB, something I should have done long ago).

    Initial impressions seem fine, few changes to the backend including the way the links are worked. Had to make a template tweak or two in order to display the links by category again ( get_links_list() bundles them all together, drop in ‘id’ – get_links_list(‘id’) and you’re laughing). Hopefully it will speed things up a little bit while browsing and posting.

    Also added the ‘Snap Preview Anywhere‘ plugin to the theme – think its nice to get a view of sites you’re being linked off to, spread the love and all that craic. Register on the site for your key, download and install the plugin, enter said key and away you go.

    Update: Triple post due to Internal 500 error…. have to check about that. Also manage area isn’t displaying any posts…. again, gotta check that out, likely the upload.
    Update 2: Above problems fix…. also replaced out Ultimate Tag Warrior to the latest version, seemed to help.
    Update 3: Think I was wrong about that…. could be a project for lunch time!

  • WordPress 2.1 – Get It While Its Hot

    Packed with some interesting new features and developments, WordPress 2.1 was released tonight and is available for download. Now, armed with more info on WordPress MU than you can shake a stick at after the weekend its time to get cracking on a multiuser install at A 1.1 upgrade on the way I think?

    A quick episode of Commander In Chief then its off to update…

  • Mobile Phones To Be Banned At Open Championship

    Via the BBC comes news that mobile phones will be banned from the course at the Open Championship this year, following suit with many other golfing and sporting events from 2006. Mobiles were banned at the Ryder Cup in Kildare last year so Irish visitors to the event won’t be strange to the new procedures to be put in place yet it will be interesting to see if there is a knock on effect at other sporting events (soccer, GAA, snooker etc).

    One of the main reasons is down to photos and video footage leaking to the press and the web before authorised journalists have a chance to get their content back to their respective papers. You can’t deny the power of the internet for too long though…

  • Bar Camp Waterford Photos

    Panel Discussion (2)

    Originally uploaded by kenmc.

    I came armed with a nice digital camera (left the D70 behind in KK) and my Sony Ericsson K800i (3.2mp cam in the phone) and made it back to Kilkenny with a total of FIVE photos from the day. Things were just too interesting on the day to be taking photos I reckon 🙂

    Blogged from flickr….

    More here

  • Reaction To Bar Camp South East (Waterford)

    Had to duck off early from Bar Camp this afternoon which meant I missed James Corbett’s talk (wanted to catch it too!) but I’ve got to say, kudos to Keith and Tom for organising a cracking show.

    Hit Waterford in plenty of time and was out in Carriganore before 10am. Excellent spread on (foodwise) for the day, decent coffee and the fruit was a most welcome addition I might add.

    Damien Mulley

    After a brief introduction from Keith, me with my head in the clouds decided what to go to as the timetable chopped and changed I started the morning with Damien‘s presentation on pissing people off (lobbying) and enjoyed it a lot. Very interesting to see the Ireland Offline side of things while I felt the press element (profiling the journalists you deal with, working with press contacts, never refusing the press) was most relevant to the work I do with Kilkenny Music and certainly something I’ve been trying to do in recent months (to the stage where the local press are now contacting me for details rather than having to submit content). It is true – you write a decent press release and it just gets copied and pasted into the newspaper!

    Donncha O Caoimh

    Next up was Donncha O Caoimh. Real nice chap I’ve got to say – presentation was good, a lot of technical details covered in relation to WordPress MU and its structure while there was a nice down to earth feel about when it came to talking about working from home (especially in terms of it being a lonely profession). This was one of the presentations I was really looking forward to given I’m in and out of WordPress for the odd tweak, theme development or just launching ANOTHER blog and it didn’t disappoint. Some interesting developments arriving in WPMU 1.1 and WP 2.1 when they launch, gave us food for thought on one or two existing projects we’ve got open. I’ve also been considering launching WPMU around as well as a way of giving bands an extended presence on the site that they could manage themselves. Whether this comes to development or not remains to be seen but the thought is always there.

    Finding Money For Your Startup

    With Donncha’s talk running on for more than its alloted time, I think next up was the first panel discussion on finding money for your startup. This would certainly have been extremely relevant to me 18 months ago when I was filled with the same questions but going forward, knowing that there’ll be more developments and situations I’ll be in or am aiming to put myself in that will warrant certain external investment it was interesting to hear what the panel had to say – in particular Brian (Trinity Venture Capital) and Tom (whose surname eludes me). Good luck to Bernie too shifting that IBM kit.


    With the timing off for the day by a half hour or so it was time for us to get off to the canteen. Kudos to the college, the soup was deadly. Just what you needed, bar the absence of a half slice pan to dunk in it. Still, a chicken sandwich or two, a cup of not-so-great coffee (downstairs seemed better for some reason) and a few mini eclairs kept the troops well fed for the afternoon session.

    Starting A Web Services Company

    The second panel discussion and my last stop of the day was ‘Starting A Web Services Company’ which got underway not long after 2pm. Present were Joe Drumgoole, Conor O’Neill, Walter Higgins, Jan Blanchard and Helene Haughney.

    Five strong speakers, five great web services and some great insights to all businesses. goes out on Monday, Louder Voice is nearing another beta trial, PXN8 is on the up and up, Touristr is also launching in a week or so to private beta and ZInadoo is gathering the strength to get out of Carriganore and out on its own.

    Interesting that Jan opted for the US for Ruby On Rails developers for Touristr – big difference in being quoted 150K on home soil here than being able to get a vision of your project handed to you, and access to developers who can work on your project for about 10% of that cost. More interesting was Conor’s point that he couldn’t find developers for the project (eventually getting one throught the TurboGears mailing list) and while Aidan Finn pointed out that there’s a limited number on a Rails developer mailing lists there is obviously a shortfall in

    1. Ruby On Rails developers in Ireland
    2. A centralised location to find developers suited to your project

    Some sound advice from all involved and I’m looking forward to seeing how PutPlace, Louder Voice and Touristr all turn out. Shall Tom Raftery’s reference be edited out of the video? (it wasn’t bad…!)

    Wrapping Up

    After the panel discussion we (myself and John) got a little more information on Zinadoo and its development (one of the programmers and early UI guys on the job was a classmate of ours, moving to TSSG about the same time myself and Aidan started the business in Kilkenny) – certainly a strong product – unfortunately had to cut the day short at that stage, miss James’ talk and the closing session.

    Great day though, was sorry that Damien & Donncha’s combo clashed with Bernie and Conn’s podcast session, the resulting podcast of which I’m hoping will be live shortly. Given that I’m just getting in on the ground in terms of podcasts (7 done so far, another one scheduled before the end of the month) it would have been great to catch it – alas, thats the way I guess these Bar Camps go.

    Rumour has it (or an announcement from Tom Corcoran) that the next one is already in planning with a possible date in May on the cards, the ‘where’ remains to be seen.

    Cheers to everyone and anyone I ran into, hello to those of you I didn’t, chalk me down to attend the next one. I’ve also got a grand total of FIVE photos on the phone, that will have to wait for another day though…

  • Hi Ho, Hi Ho Its Off To Bar Camp We Go

    Late night ahead tonight but its an early drive down tomorrow to Waterford, leave Kilkenny about 8am, down and meet John and bust a groove on out to Bar Camp. A few people from the college going that I’m looking forward to seeing again (been a few years already), that and the fact that there’s a load of interesting topics up for discussion along with two interesting panels. Over 80 names on the wiki, hopefully the majority will show on the day. Might even have to charge the camera for the morning!

  • Track Web 2.0 Development In The UK

    As another possible alternative for the now dead Techcrunch UK (if you’re not already reading the terrific Vecosys), Techscape has launched with a strong focus on tracking Web 2.0 developments in the UK. In fairness, the blog launched back in November but I’ve only discovered it today and have to say, its impressive. Friendly layout, good content, a good read.

    From the blog…

    …it isn’t all about UK start ups (you have the superb Vecosys for that) and it isn’t just reviews of social networking sites either. Instead, TechScape will being you interviews with the main movers in the UK’s web 2.0 world, reviews of the key new projects, plenty of mobile news and views and daily round ups and comment on the big stories…

    Interested? Give Techscape a whirl

  • New Music Blog For The Empire

    Extending the blog count to around 11 or something, I’ve launched a blog for which will be used for band and gig news as well as tracking updates and developments from the site, hopefully encouraging an increased use of the site.

    The blog itself while maintained primarily by myself should over time incorporate an additional three writers. At a meeting Wednesday night we outlined the structure for the management of the site which lightens my workload somewhat. As a result, we’ve also increased content areas for the year in order to boost the appeal of the magazine side of as much as the forums would be used, the artists profiles etc. These include demo and album reviews, technical articles written by our engineers, gig reviews etc.

    The Blog

    The blog will then be used a promotional tool for some of the member only features of the site (e.g in the forums, highlight the ongoing debate over Scuba Dice appearing on You’re A Star and if users want to comment, forward comments through to the forum as opposed to blog entries). It might work, might not, but I’d still reckon its worth a shot – of course, your feedback is appreciated. Rather than repeating content from the main site into the blog and vice versa we’ll simply highlight the availability of new articles, take a snippet and again forward through to the main site.

    I’m classing it as a music blog as we’ll be highlighting gigs, thoughts on gigs, band news etc while there will be a little more to is. Pseudo-music blog maybe….


    note: I should also add that Scuba Dice are a sound bunch of lads and they deserve to be where they are. I was a judge for the 2006 Battle Of The Bands (ran over 4 months) and I had no problem in naming the lads as the 2006 winners of the competition. Best of luck to them as the show progresses….

    update:I’ve added an MP3 player to the sidebar which features music drawn directly from Music used on the site is permission based and we’re always extremely thankful of bands who contribute tracks to – cheers!

  • ESB Or The Weather – Sort It Out

    Power down AGAIN this week, this time from 11am to about 3:10pm. While it gives plenty of time for ever important idea work it really does mess with your physical work. With this being the FOURTH outage since the weekend you can’t help but be annoyed.

  • Geeky WordPress Theme

    It has been a while since I blogged about an actual WordPress theme but you’ve got to hand it to the developer behind this theme, whoever it is certainly breaks away from the norm in terms of WordPress theming. While it won’t have much use for the average blogger or average web browser, techies, geeks and fans of the ole command line approach to things (which includes me) should get a kick of it.

    Command Line Interface WordPress Theme

    The theme has been AJAXed up to the hilt and works pretty much as a command line interface should. The version linked above seems like the pilot, take a trip to the developers site for a complete version if you’re looking to download it. Gets a thumbs up for creativity from me anyway!