Author: Ken McGuire

  • YouTube Screening Process To ‘Recognise Infringing Videos’

    YouTubeInteresting one this, Google announced over the weekend (or at least I read over the weekend) that they are due to introduce a new screening technology into the YouTube realm which will ‘recognize infringing videos’. Google has been getting it in the neck and everywhere else from Viacom of late in relation to copyright infringement and the uploading by YouTube users of copyright protected video footage to the video sharing website.

    “We hope to have the testing completed and technology available by sometime in the Fall,” a Google rep added in an e-mail to Sandoval. “But this is one of the most technologically complicated tasks that we have ever undertaken, and as always with cutting-edge technologies, it’s difficult to forecast specific launch dates.”

    The story appeared in the New York Times online edition (via AP) on Saturday morning. While the Google and YouTube family hope that the move to introduce the screening will “hopefully eliminate such disputes in the future” and a lawyer for Viacom states that they would be “very grateful” for the introduction of the technology to eliminate copyright infringing videos appearing on YouTube, I can’t see it do anything to quell the existing lawsuit or actions planned by the likes of Viacom, the Premier League

    Note: You won’t find any copyright infringing footage on the YouTube channel (yes, we’ve a long way to go yet…)

  • Audio Response To PodCamp Ireland Announcement

    If you’re not following the PodCamp channel on Jaiku, being used by the organisers as a useful back channel around the upcoming event in Kilkenny on September 29th, you might have missed Conn‘s audio response to the announcement of PodCamp Ireland. The comment, recorded by Conn, appears on the For Immediate Release podcast by Shel Holtz and Neville Hobson. Neville will be joining us in Kilkenny on September 29th for the event as well, hopefully talking up the success of the FIR podcast amongst other things!

    The clip can be found here on or start playing it below (uploaded to It will give you a good feel for things to expect in Kilkenny at the end of September.

    Conn Ó Muíneacháin Speaks On PodCamp Ireland

  • Going, Going Green – Pimping My Macbook Pro

    Last Friday night I fired an extra gig of ram into the Macbook Pro I purchased not half an hour ago from this very boutique (apologies, but I’ve got a Monty Python buzz going today). The MBP was purchased in an Apple Store!

    Green Macbook Pro CaseAnyway, with the extra gig of memory bringing the count to 2GB the laptop has been restored to a zippy state offering me better handling of the likes of Garageband and other intensive applications I hold. For my next trick, I’ve decided to go green – laptop green that is and lime green more to the point. I’ve ordered myself a 15″ SeeThru Case for the Macbook Pro from Speck Products. With the case and shipping the cost comes to just over the €50 mark but I feel it gives a good opportunity to personalise the laptop and protect the shiny silver casing it lives in.

    Speck offer a variety of cases for mobile phones, iPhones, iPods and other MP3 players and I only recently discovered their offering of Macbook Pro cases. The case itself is a coloured, see-through hard casing that snaps on top and bottom of the MBP, with rubber feet for the bottom as well.

    Should be a nice way of standing out from the crowd (and keeping the laptop from scratching in transit).

  • Social Linking – Where Am I?

    I’m not featured on pBase or hiding out as a photographer in the Caribbean but I am lurking in various social networks on the web, and this is where you’ll find me.

    • MySpace
      MySpace is mainly used through and my constant contact with bands. More and more I see the gigs being organised via MySpace (people preferring that to taking my email or phone number which are published online), requests for information, booking information, podcast submissions. If bands want to add me, I’m open to it though I don’t go friend-hunting on it.
    • Bebo
      Bebo is pretty much a friend-to-friend thing. If I don’t know you, I don’t want to know you. I’ve used it to keep up with college friends now dotted around the country and around the world and thats what I expect to keep doing with it. Much prefer their photo album service to that of MySpace. It also allows me the opportunity to pimp out to the younger generation that are ‘beboers’. (younger than myself anyway).
    • Twitter
      My train of thoughts and random comments from during the day. I also republish these back to a WordPress blog for myself to look back over certain days at a glance. 140 characters more liberating than restricting I feel. Twitter certainly has had an impact on the Irish blogosphere, turning bloggers into impulse shoppers now with the recent Nokia N770 tweet and the pure drain of stock from Expansys as a result.
    • Jaiku
      I’ve been meaning to dip into Jaiku as a Twitter alternative but only registered myself yesterday as it is being used as a back channel for PodCamp Ireland between the organisers. Instantly prefer the interface over Twitter but yet to get the full feel of the service.
    • Facebook
      Love it or hate, Facebook provides a lot of facilities for networking and social interaction along with integration of some of your favourite online haunts (eBay, Twitter, Flickr etc.). Since FB was opened up to the global population it’s use has soared and along with it the number of widgets and apps available to integrate into your homepage. I’ve only started using FB recently but given the amazing popularity of it in the US I’ve had no problem connecting with and finding family who wouldn’t touch MySpace or have heard of Bebo, especially those who prefer the professional look and feel of FB.

    If you feel the need to link up with me on anything or want to reach out and say hello – don’t be a stranger. Each of the links above will have the option to subscribe, or add a friend etc. – if you use any of the above you’ll know yourself how to hook up with someone anyway. I’m sure I’ve a ‘linked-in’ profile going that is about 80% complete but when FB affords you the same opportunities and more it will be a while before the remaining 20% gets filled out.

    Don’t be a stranger…

    Note – the idea here stems from Krishna De’s recent post on which social network you should choose.

  • PodCamp Ireland, 21 People And Counting

    It might fall the week after BarCamp Galway but so far there’s 20 people signed up to attend PodCamp Ireland which hits Kilkenny on Saturday September 29th. Yes – the very first PodCamp Ireland.

    I’m counted amongst the organisers (alongside Krishna De, Bernie Goldbach, Conn Ó Muíneacháin and Brian Greene) of this event and being from Kilkenny I’m delighted to see it taking part in the city.

    A near hour long conference call yesterday afternoon between afore mentioned organisers proved quite productive and insightful and if the planning goes, well, to plan, then we’re in for a great day on September 29th. One of the aces in pack already announced is the arrival of Neville Hobson, co-author of ‘How to Do Everything with Podcasting (How to Do Everything)‘ (affiliate link – which is on the way to me via Amazon US) and co-host of the For Immediate Release podcast. Neville will hopefully be spilling the beans on the success of the podcast, book and more so be sure and join us in Kilkenny.

    So… with the floor open and seen as this is the VERY FIRST PodCamp Ireland what would you like to see? I’m looking at putting together an element on music (Podsafe music, approaching bands for music etc.) given my work with The KKM crew in full will be on hand too on the day to chat about how we got into podcasting and using the podcast to promote a non-profit group working with musicians. But the day is about what YOU would like to see.

    Would you like to learn about video podcasting? How to get your videos online, where to store them, how to encode them for the web? Maybe you know the technical details already but you would like some tips on framing your shot or using a video camera for podcasting? How about branding through podcasting? Or seeing how a podcast can help promote your business, create a revenue stream?

    How how about learning the fundamentals – Podcasting 101. What equipment do you need? How to record audio to a computer? What the hell is an RSS feed anyway and why do you need one?

    Whatever your questions about podcast, you’re likely to find all the answers and more at PodCamp Ireland in Kilkenny on September 29th. If you’re interested, join the 21 names already on the list by adding yours to the PodCamp Ireland wiki. Hope to see you in Kilkenny in September!

  • An Irish iPhone Review

    I failed to pick up an MMS yesterday from John who later informed me via GoogleTalk that he’s been testing the Apple iPhone down in Waterford. Damn you! Looks like he’s also been reading my tweets on it – or at least someone has.

    The impact?

    You’ve all seen the touchscreen demos. It’s even better when you’re doing it yourself. The keyboard is so simple a child could use it and after a few moments you’ll be thinking ‘buttons? what buttons? who needs buttons’

    I didn’t have long enough with the phone to go into a detailed review. I can honestly say though, having used the iPhone for a few minutes, I want one. I can already see how would be lost without it.

    I’m looking forward to seeing it hit the Irish market either at the end of this year or the beginning of next year and with O2 now the likely operator it will make the upgrade and purchase decision all the easier.

  • Pay As You Go iPhone – Kiss The Contract Goodbye

    If you can pick yourself up an iPhone somewhere in the US, it looks like you might get away on the two year contract deal with AT&T – the iPhone is available on pre-pay.

    Apple iPhoneA read around the web this morning and one of my favourite Mac blogs (TUAW) reveals news that hackers have made the iPhone available on a pre-paid option allowing you to run your iPhone on an AT&T pre-paid card for as little as US$10.

    What it means to iPhone users in the US is that you can use any Cingular / AT&T sim card in your iPhone, whether contract-based or pre-paid. If you’re on the low budget Cingular plans you can avail of cheaper text messaging ($0.05 send and receive compared to $0.15 on iPhone plan).

    Could it be the first step to unlocking the iPhone completely? Quite possibly! Give it a read here – iPhone + Disposable Cellphone + Prepaid Cards + New Activation Tool = Holy Cow

  • 2 Years In Business, Happy Birthday To Us

    Today, July 19th (according to the certificate here in the office), marks the second anniversary of myself and Aidan going into business together. So I toast the occasion with a bottle of water – primarily because its not even 11am and we haven’t reached the point of having a sneaky bottle of whiskey in the bottom drawer of the desk.

    Upon reflection I think its been a great two years for us. A pure learning experience, a pure development for both of us personally and professionally.

    We had both spoken at great lengths during college about wanting to start something up on our own, not content with looking for a graduate position straight out of college in a job you wouldn’t know if you’d love or hate, in a town, city or country you wouldn’t know whether you’d love or hate. I feel lucky in that regard that we were able to do it in Kilkenny, to have the opportunity to establish ourselves in our home town, also securing an office premises no more than a 3-minute drive from our respective family homes.

    Our main focus in the beginning was to cover events from a promotional point of view – commercial photography, design and marketing. Having worked on varying web packages and projects both in college and on the side for my four years spent living in Waterford there was a chance to develop these projects commercially, which in lead to a turn in focus quite early in the business to the web design and marketing aspects – both our key strengths.

    We took our first client just a week into business, our second two weeks later, and so it has continued over the past two years. We made our first hire in December 2005, a move we hadn’t anticipated making until at least July 2006 if not later but with three hands on board we’ve remained busy for two years solid.

    Now, as we turn into our third year of business we’re back to a two person operation (as I mentioned last week with John departing for pastures new) and aces are starting to slip out of sleeves. Internal projects are on the rise and we continue to draw in new clients and new business.

    Of course its not as if business just falls into your lap and we’ve had a queue of people lining up outside the door – the work has to be done too. The first six months of the business were spent either in the office here (our premises) or in the office in my own home once 6 or 7pm passed. Often was the case of sitting at the desk from 8:30am to 10, 11, 12 at night and beyond. Often was the case too that you’d find yourself still on the go at 3 or 4am with buckets of coffee, burning the candle at both ends. Hell, it took me 18 months to give in and take an actual break (when I got to Toronto last Christmas) But it does pay off. At least I think it does anyway.

    While I look forward to a third year in business, which by our estimates back at day one should be a busy year for us, I look back on the last two years full in the knowledge that I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Not the celebrations after a job well done, not the sleepless nights and headaches, not the winter days, not the sunny days baking at 33 degrees in the office – none of it. Best thing about it is that even after growing up with someone, living with that same person for 4 years in college and working with them for 2 years there’s still n’aer a bad word said in the office – it just works.

    So on that long winded note I say “Happy Birthday” to us and here’s to another year.

  • Busy And Happy Out

    Keeping myself away from Twitter and other happenings until the bell rang at 5:30 on what has been a busy day. Why so busy? Well, today marks the return of Event Ireland to a two-person operation as John departed on Friday for pastures new in Waterford. I’ll echo his own thoughts leaving and say it has been a ‘divine privilege’ in having John here for the past 18 months and I wish him all the very best with the new job.

    Of course, that has me jumping between my desk and John’s old workstation all day long flitting between 3 or 4 different projects while starting to get some new ones opened up. While I sneak ten minutes for a blog post (having delayed my lunch until NOW when its near on time to head home) I get to stare at a bundle of faxes that need to be cleared off my now muchos tidy desk (kicked off the morning with a big Summer cleanout – hey, we’re not in Spring territory any more, or Kansas for that matter).

    Racing thoughts bring me around to the fact that I’m busy out – and happy out at the same time. I’ve got all the patience in the world and I’m quite happy flaked out on the couch doing nothing on an evening off but in giving someone a tutorial earlier this afternoon I was asked briefly “what have you planned for the week” to which my response was…

    • Monday – Work to 6, Cannibal rehearsal 6:45-8:20, meeting re: organising Rockfall festival in Kilkenny 8:30-10pm, home for dinner
    • Tuesday – Work 8:30 – 5:45, Young Irish Film Makers (of which I’m a board member) 6pm to collect costumes, outdoor photoshoot 6:30-8pm, return to YIFM, down to Cleere’s Theatre for meeting 8:30pm re: set design for Cannibal, assume return home 10:30 – 11pm.
    • Wednesday – Work 8:30-6, Cannibal rehearsal 6:45-8:30pm, Paris Texas 8:40pm to 10pm (pre gig setup), gig 10pm – 12pm, return home likely around 1am.
    • Thursday – Work 8:30-6pm, Cannibal rehearsal 6:45-9pm, meeting re: sponsorship of Telethon 2007 9:15pm, estimated return home for dinner around 10:30pm
    • Friday – Work 8:30pm – 6:30pm, Equipment check ahead of Saturday gig 7pm.
    • Saturday – Typical day, up early, pack the van and check the gear again, off to gig venue for 2pm to set stage, lights, leave by 3:30pm, return for soundchecks at 6pm, leave 8pm, open doors 9:30pm and let the madness begin.
    • Sunday – Typical KKM / Devious Theatre day – up 10am, breakfast in town, leave by 1, empty venue from night before, return for further meeting at 3pm, leave by 4:30, home by five and catch up on TV from during the week.

    Its a pain in the arse having your evenings planned out for you for the next two months but at the end of the day I couldn’t be happier! No doubt something else will crop up during the week but such is the way 🙂 Just a little note to myself!

    That said, I also managed to clock up a 6 hour meeting yesterday and some 12 hours of design work at the weekend which I was happy about, plus the live blogging of the Liverpool vs Crewe Alexandra game from Saturday which made a nice mark on the LiverpoolAccess.comw stats for the weekend….

    Maybe I’m just in a good mood going into the week?

  • BarCamps and PodCamps

    BarCamp Galway, if you haven’t heard, is now scheduled to take place on Saturday September 22nd and is being held in the DERI building at NUI Galway. Its quite possible that I’ll be in Sligo that weekend so making the drive down to Galway would be a bit easier than trekking over from Kilkenny anyway. I missed the BarCamp in Dublin and thoroughly enjoyed the talks at BarCamp Waterford back in January of this year.

    The Galway leg is being organised by John Breslin, Aidan Finn and Conor Hayes and currently has the guts of 40 names in attendance. I’ll have a look again closer to the date and see about throwing my name down for attendance.

    One thing I should be attending though is PodCamp Ireland with talk of an event being held the following weekend, September 29th. Keep an eye on that wiki as details of the event unfold.

  • I’m 91% Addicted To Blogging

    I answered 14 questions on and it looks like I’m 91% addicted to blogging. When I look at it, its possibly a fair assumption. Found via Life Without Toast.

    If its not blogging about something, its thinking about blogging about something, helping someone put together a blog or just having a general discussion about them – including last night pre gig in Paris Texas (I’m now playing music every Wednesday night in Paris Texas in Kilkenny if anyone is around for the summer) though last night’s discussion was more about the blogging future and development of as a music news / PR source, but that’s something for another Saturday discussion to be had.

    91%…. Take the test for yourself

  • Interesting eBay Statistics For Ireland

    Just caught the clip from yesterday on users on Morning Ireland, with Irish MD John McElligott revealing the following…

    • Leitrim users are the biggest purchasers of books and magazines on
    • Wicklow users are the biggest purchasers of arts supplies
    • People in Cavan spend the most in the country on toys and games
    • People in Waterford spend the most on sporting items while eBay members living in Galway sell the most sports related items on

    With eBay around you can’t ever say you’re stuck for something to do online while browsing. Many hours I’ve lost (or spent with intent) on eBay shopping around, seeing what other people are offering. Still my first point of call for cheap tech bits, most recently a headset adapter running to a 3.5mm jack input w/mic for my Sony Ericsson K800i, makes for a very cheap car kit for the phone!

    Check the RTE news item from yesterday or have a listen here (scroll about 3/4 way down the list of news items).

  • 1 Billion Spam Comments In 108 Days

    Or so says Akismet in their latest stats update. I know that across all the blogs I run or lend a hand in authoring and managing that there’s been a serious uptake in the amount of spam comments. Hell, Squidoo even got in on the act (or squidoo pages) and are now feeling the wrath of Google because of it.

    From Akismet

    Total spam: 2,044,449,936
    Total ham: 131,167,720

    I do know one thing though, there’s nothing I’d rather have than Akismet keeping spam away from the blogs. One of the greatest things to fit into WordPress ever. Fact.

  • AdSense Taking The Piss?

    Had to laugh when I saw this one this morning, it comes from another blog I’m running. Guess they’re picking up on my name in there but the ad is well out of place.

    AdSense Taking The Piss

    If you’re interested, this is the blog its from. Not every tech fan’s cup of tea. Its something thats getting back off the ground after a re-launch just over a week ago.

  • Beta Release Of Vista Service Pack 1? Full Release November?

    It looks possible that next week will see the beta release of the long-awaited Windows Vista Service Pack 1. I know I certainly won’t be downloading it anyway as a) my beta copy of Vista kicked the bucket about two weeks ago (or possibly before that, its been a while since I booted into Vista) and b) my experience with Vista to date hasn’t done anything at all to put a smile on my face.

    Great detail on ZDNet from Sunday on the Vista SP1 beta launch. It will certainly be “more about fixes than new features”, thats true.

    Leopard will be my next upgrade, looking forward to that!

  • At Last, Some Blog Archives

    I’ve finally gotten around to mending up the archives and actually displaying a decent list of archived posts. If you take a look at the archives you’ll now get a month-by-month list of all the blog posts going back to October 2005. By appearance it looks like the winter months last year (November to February say) were my busiest. At least I’ve got it done now anyway, makes it quite easy to find posts methinks.

    Of course, I should add that they’re done with the KG Archives plugin by Kates Gasis, <10kb, nice and tidy.

  • Spammers Using Flickr As Bait

    Caught this one in the mail this morning…. bravo.

    Hey, I dont know if you already know or if its the same
    person, but I’ve seen your EXACT pictures on another site.
    I copied the link if u want to check it out. The person is
    trying to pass it off as saying that its his/hers

    who knows tho…maybe that person might be the real owner
    and this flickr account you have is the fake one?

    in any case thought i’d just message you to let you know.

    here’s that link to that page:

    um, i dont know if you’ll be able to see the pix, cuz the
    site requires u to be logged in, the site is free
    registration anyways.


    Gimme a break….

  • Marking One Year Sports Blogging

    One year ago today I launched Certainly my biggest earner in terms of ad revenue, Liverpool Access marks its first birthday today and I’m delighted to see it get to the year mark. There was one point I reached where I thought “this is too much” but enjoy blogging about the club I’ve supported since a wee lad.

    Liverpool Access
    was born out of World Cup Access, my first soccer-related blog which covered the 2006 World Cup in Germany last summer, live blogging every single game. Once the World Cup was finished I needed something to jump into and so launched Liverpool Access in its place, World Cup Access having closed its doors completely in recent weeks following months of no activity.

    Thus far on Liverpool Access I’ve managed to average just over a post a day, I’ve live blogged games, shared videos and over the course of the year been able to refine my blogging approach from more of a news-based style to personal opinion-based style which I feel is working better for me. My thanks to those who continute to read on a daily basis and if you’re a Liverpool fan and not already familiar with the blog then give it a look, let me know what you think.

  • iPhone Will Go To O2 (UK), Possibly Ireland?

    Reading the news this morning it looks like O2 are about the sign on as Apple’s UK partner for the iPhone possibly suggesting that I wouldn’t have to switch operator if the same were to happen in Ireland. The BBC and Washington Post are reporting that O2 have beaten Vodafone to the punch and that O2 should have the iPhone for sale before Christmas. One interesting fact is that Apple are said to enjoy a continuous revenue share from O2 based on income raised from the sale of and continuous use of the iPhone on the O2 network.

  • Free The Feeds!

    Happy days. Something for the greater good of stats fans was bound to come out of Google’s purchase of FeedBurner and they’ve announced that the Pro version of FeedBurner (Total Stats) and the MyBrand packages (feeds branded by your own domain) are now available… for FREE.

    Certainly gives me something new to dip into this weekend, get the lowdown on where the people are coming from across all my blogs.

    Via the FeedBurner blog

    One of the many benefits that FeedBurner publishers will enjoy now that FeedBurner is part of the Google family is a little something we like to call, “more for free!” Beginning today, two of FeedBurner’s previously for-pay services, TotalStats and MyBrand, will be free. Not in the sense of soaring high above the clouds or recently sprung from the hoosegow, but free like you’ll no longer gladly be billed on Tuesday for a burned feed today. We suspect this will be welcome news to the 450,000+ of you using many of our other free services, but understanding that your feed is your feed, you will need to activate these newly freed-up services in order to partake in their awesomeness.

    At present, there are 454,969 accounts registered on FeedBurner publishing 779,820 feeds, that number increasing on a daily basis. Read the full story and all the details here.

    Note: I’m using FeedBurner across every single blog I’ve got on the go. If you want to subscribe to via FeedBurner then add to your feed reader or click here to visit FeedBurner and subscribe to